SMG - Seed Media Group
SMG stands for Seed Media Group
Here you will find, what does SMG stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Seed Media Group? Seed Media Group can be abbreviated as SMG What does SMG stand for? SMG stands for Seed Media Group. What does Seed Media Group mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in New York, New York.
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Alternative definitions of SMG
- Scotts Company (Scotts Manufacturing Group)
- Sarah Michelle Gellar
- Sub Machine Gun
- Sequential Manual Gearbox
- Stock Market Game
- Special Mobile Group
- Shanghai Media Group
- Sequential M Gearbox
View 246 other definitions of SMG on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SBMI Sunshine Building Maintenance Inc.
- SEC South Express Cargo
- SS The Sandwich Shop
- SLA Studio Light Art
- SOS Source One Solutions
- SFG Sherman Financial Group
- SGP Skinny Gene Project
- SFL Sherry Fitzgerald Lettings
- SN The Studio Nyc
- SEK Social Enterprise Kent
- SIJ The Statistical Institute of Jamaica
- SVC Space Vector Corporation
- SLSS Surf Life Saving Sa
- SMRS Social Model Recovery System
- SCRS Society for Clinical Research Sites
- SCS Scorpion Computer Services
- SRBC Sadie Rose Baking Co.
- SJRG The Suburban Jungle Realty Group
- SPEPA Southern Pine Electric Power Assn
- SVCL The Studio Venue Company Limited